The services that we provide to the community are made possible through our federal and state funding sources. It is this source of continued funding that allows this Agency to serve the citizens of Pickens County.
The Agency provides the following services:
Child Development Services
- Head Start: Is a comprehensive early childhood growth and development program of the Department of Health and Human Services that is designed to arm children from low-income communities and children with special needs with the tools needed to effectively compete with their counterparts in the next education placement.
Currently the Agency provides services to 227 3–5-year-old children and their families throughout Pickens County, Alabama. Applicants must furnish proof of required intake documents. Applications are taken year-round and maintained on a waitlist.
PRE-K Registration Code: 350202
Site Address: http://alprek.education/A for English
http://alprek.education/B for Spanish
Community Service Programs
- Vaccine Equity Project: Provides outreach and education to citizens about all adult vaccinations as recommended from the CDC. Funding is from ASTHO, National Community Action Partnership, and Grammercy Research Group.
- Community Services Block Grant (CSBG): Provides federal funding for Community Action Agencies and other programs that seek to address poverty at the community level.
- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): Assists low-income households, particularly those with the lowest incomes that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy, primarily in meeting their immediate home energy needs. Crisis assistance requires that at least one household member have a documented health problem and require a controlled environment.
- United States Department of Agriculture, Child Nutrition Program (USDA) – Provides healthy, nutritious meals and snacks to children enrolled in the Head Start Program.
- Alabama Business Charitable Trust: Provide financial assistance to low-income individuals with financial emergencies i.e. energy assistance.
- Funds from FEMA (Emergency Food and Shelter Program) allows funds to assist clients with nutritional needs. The food pantry assists clients with emergency food
- American Red Cross-Project Share: Provide financial assistance for vital heating and cooling to the elderly and disabled.
Pickens County Community Action H.E.R.O.E.S. Fatherhood Program
- Custodian and Noncustodial parents, mothers and fathers who are having difficulty paying child support may receive services that can help them achieve self-sufficiency and provide for their children to avoid contempt action on their support order. Contact Jill Noland or Jennifer Jones for more information at 205-367-8166.
Senior CHOICES Nutrition Program
- Our Agency provides Senior Citizen services at four locations in Pickens County, (Aliceville, Carrollton, Gordo, and Reform). For more information contact Tina Morgan at 205-367-8166.
Youth Projects
- STARS Afterschool Program: Children's Trust Fund provides funding to assist with afterschool programs for children in grades 3rd - 6th at Aliceville Elementary, Reform Elementary, and Park Cameron Resource Center. For more information: contact Joe Thomas at 205-399-9893
- Department of Labor Youth Build Program: Provide low-income young people ages 16-24 work full-time for 6-24 months towards their GEDs or high school diplomas while learning job skills by building or renovating in their communities. Emphasis is placed on leadership development, community service, and the creation of a positive mini community of adults and youth committed to each other’s success. At exit they are placed in college, jobs, or both. We offer certifications in Pharmacy Tech, Construction and partner with our local community college for other certifications.
For more information contact Wayne Davis at 205-246-3182